Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Bumbles Are Back!

Bumble on a Delphinium in the Moon Garden at The Hermitage
 The Bumble Bees are back! 

As some of you know (or will know if you follow and subscribe to this blog) that I love bees and am an active advocate for their survival. 

Some of you may or may not know that pesticides are a big problem in our bees disappearing. (More about that below.)

Brett and I organic garden, and we plant many variates of plants and flowers that the honeybees,Mason bees and the bumble bees love. So, it was a bit of a shock and alarming really, to not see any bees on the flowers. I saw maybe one bumble in a month's time. That has never happened before. So this issue really is on our doorsteps and not something "out there" that scientists and environmentalists are talking about over coffee.

Because this is a catastrophic event concurring that so many don't know about, I try to educate people about it. Needless to say, I cringe as my neighbors spray, spray, spray the pesticides and chemical fertilizers. This is really hurting the bees, but the biggest user of harmful pesticides are the agrifarms, the factory farmers of crops.

I was speaking to my good friend Valerie Camozzi about my concern and she said "call to them, tell them to come to your yard, it's safe." So I did . And the next day...5 bumbles. I saw them and told them my flowers have nothing that will harm them and everything to make their colony stronger. Then took the pictures you see here. The next day, we had 10 and now many.

Sadly, we have not seen a honeybee yet.

In the comment section you can leave suggestions on organic gardening for my readers and what you have found helpful in your organic garden.
Bumble on Bee Balm in the Sun Garden at The Hermitage

Save our Bees
Did you know that our honeybees are in trouble? Honeybees are different than wasps, bumbles or yellow jackets and are vital to the pollination of crops. Without them all life on the planet would suffer. 

Mass honeybee deaths now occurring worldwide, says UN


But there is so much you can do to help from!  

And here are some more ideas.

When each of us helps, even in a small way, it creates change. Your voice, joined with many is very powerful. To do good sometimes we have to “do.”

This is a link to NJ project to increase the honeybee population. Please see about one in your state.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Harvest Moon Farms Salve Healing Hand

Harvest Moon Farms Salve Healing Hand

I received this stuff as a gift. I had done a bit of distance healing for a dog and as a gift, I was sent soaps, teas (which I will review next) bath salts and this little gem from Humboldt Herbals.

The organic lavender fields at Harvest Moon Farms

Healing Hand Salve was the first product they developed. The creator is a farmer and a bodyworker and after a day in the garden needed a really powerful healing salve so the clients wouldn't feel the rough hands of tilling that soil. They are have a featured producer profile on the Organic Trade Association website:

Now I know it's supposed to be for hands, but I use this stuff when I have any cuts, scrapes, rashes and yes...even pimples. I used to keep the little tin by the kitchen sink because it would take the sting out of a burn too. (Yes, I'm a gazelle in the kitchen as well as a study of grace in the yard) Then it moved to the medicine cabinet upstairs because it seems to take the pain away from paper cuts and other little cuts I would get .A few minutes after applying it, that throbbing would subside.

But now it's on my nightstand on the bed, because if I apply a little dab of it on a cut or pimple, etc. I find by morning it's well on the way to be healed, inflammation and redness much less than it had been.  Just last night I put it on a mosquito bite that was driving me crazy and raw from scratching. The itch stopped and in the morning it was healing. So you see, it has many uses. Maybe I should just buy a slew of them and put them all around the house.

They are also in the midst of creating a new lavender line, and a English essential oils line. Now anyone who knows me knows I'm a lavender freak. I have 3 different varieties of it growing in my gardens and I use essential oils everyday and in every way, so I'll be checking these out and reporting back on them. If they are as good as the hand salve, then they are on to something and I wish them well in their endeavor.
The company states a little goes a long way and it really does. I love the smell and detected lavender and perhaps calendula. On the website they list it: 

Herbal Ingredients
  • Comfrey (Symphytum officinale)
  • Lavender (Lavendula angustifolia)
  • St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum)
  • Calendula (Calendual officinalis)
  • Plantain (Plantag major)
  • Nettles (Urtica dioica)
  • Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)
  • Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)
  • Sage (Salvia officinalis)
  • Passion Flower (Passiflora incarnata)
  • Usnea (Usnea barbata)
Infused in a base of Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Bee's wax and propolis with essential oils of Lavender, Tea Tree Eucalyptus and love.
Herbs used in this preparation are Registered Organically Grown in accordance with the Organic Food Act of 1990 or Custom Wildcrafted.

  • soothing
  • antifungal
  • antiseptic, anti-microbial
  • astringent
  • anti-itching
  • overall healing skin herb
Comfrey root and leaf: 1, 3, 5, 6. Speeds healing.
Lavender flowers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Fresh, clean aroma. Soothes & renews.
St. John's Wort buds and flowers: 4, 6. Analgesic (reduces pain). Specific for trauma, bruises, cuts. Relieves skin conditions of a nervous nature.
Calendula blossoms: 1, 2, 3, 6. Anti-inflammatory. Heals wounds, erup-tions, damaged skin. The Ôskin' herb!
Plantain leaves: 1, 3, 4, 6. Emollient: softens, soothes, protects the skin.
Nettle leaves & flowers: 1, 4, 6. Strengthens hair, skin & nails.
Yarrow flowers: 3, 4, 6. Aids in healing wounds.
Rosemary leaves: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Also acts as a preservative.
Sage leaves: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6. Promotes the healing of wounds.
Passion Flower leaves: Sedative, anti-spasmodic, relaxing, nervine.
Usnea: 2, 3, 6. Used for skin infections and burns.
Extra Virgin Olive Oil: 1, 4, . Nourishes, soothes & protects.
Bee's Wax: Emulsifying agent. Bacteria-resistant base.
Bee's Propolis: 3. Wards off infection. Acts like a liquid Band-Aid. Good for bed sores, spider bites.
Lavender essential oil: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Analgesic. Anti-rheumatic. Used for abscesses, acne, allergies, boils, bruises, burns, insect bites & stings, burns & wounds.
Tea Tree essential oil: 2, 3. Anti-inflammatory. Contains anti-bacterial compounds that cleanse & detoxify.
Eucalyptus essential oil: 3. Analgesic.
Used for cuts, sores, ulcers, etc. 

Please note: This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to prescribe or promote the sale of any herbs or herb products, nor is it intended to replace qualified medical health care.
If you have a condition that requires medical attention, you should promptly seek professional assistance

Friday, June 3, 2011

About this Blog

About This Blog

This is my personal blog. I will be posting the musings and the goings on at our cottage we lovingly call "The Hermitage" and "The Gardens of 333."

I created this blog to post about the things I love and care about that may also help others. The goings on here at the cottage, my animal companions, my gardens and my hobbies.

My name is Eileen and I’m a spiritual energy artist, angelic energy artist, energy healer, life coach and Earth Activist, and very passionate about animal welfare and the environment. If you would like to check out my Angel Blog

When I’m not doing all of this stuff, I am relaxing at home with the love of my life at The Hermitage with our animals and our gardens.

But just a posts may be few and far between due to a busy life.You can read more about that below:

Eileen Anglin, Energy Artist, Life Coach, Reiki Master, author, teacher and Earth Activist.

Nominated by the New York Times "Readers Choice Favorite Angel Intuitive 2012 & 2013"
Founder of The Path of the White Rose® LLC.

My life's work is to create tools and insights to empower you and elevate your life and how you experience it.

The Path of the White Rose LLC is my website for my angelic energy art and downloadable meditations, lectures and healing sessions.You can purchase my original angelic art and prints channeled from the Higher Realms.

I have created online Tools For Transformation in my White Rose Store. CD's, MP3's, lectures and archived radio shows are for sale and immediate download in The Store section.

I also work as a life coach based on the work of Debbie Ford. Coaching that guides you through dismantling the blocks standing between you and your best life.

As an Earth Activist, helping to awaken our evolving humanity, calls to progressive and compassionate action for the blue jewel we live on.

Personal Stuff:
I love my husband, my animals,the cottage home we lovingly call "The Hermitage" that is full of the presence of Nature and angelic energies, my gardens (The Gardens of 333) and my friends and family. My hobbies include painting, gardening, perfume, cooking, baking, herbs and PC gaming.