Friday, July 20, 2012

What to Do If You Lost Your Dog/Cat

I was sent this email from someone long ago.I would give them credit for it but it was so long ago, it has since been lost. I wanted to post this in case you'd like to post it or send it along to people with lost dogs or cats too. 

I'm not affiliated with any of these sites, I just find this info helpful.

 Believe it or not, many people don't think to do what needs to be done to find their animal, because they are so upset or rely on the shelters or police to keep an eye out. My friend lost her dog and it had been sitting in a shelter for 2 days about 20 miles north of her. It was picked up and no one called her. She thought because she had contacted people they would let her know if the dog was seen. Please don't do that. If I hadn't urged her to call shelters in other towns on her own, she may have not been reunited with her dog. Don't rely solely on the police, animal control or shelters to contact you, they are so busy. It's important for people to be proactive and do the checking on their own.

 All the best and I hope you find your dog or cat.

Here are articles and links to helping you find your lost animal. Although it says "dog" it works for cats too.


This a great article on how to increase your chances of finding your dog/cat.

Steps to take immediately :

Walk the neighborhood, talk to everybody you run across, and leave your phone number. It's FREE and sends out alerts to a 45 mile radius to participating vet offices, police stations, shelters, rescues, etc.

PUT UP POSTERS Print Poster Now - Post flyers and posters within a minimum of a 3-mile radius of where your dog was last seen. 32% of lost dogs are found over ten miles from home.

Call your local Animal Control, humane societies, vets and animal shelters to report the dog - Get a Map of all shelters and vets in your area

Take the dog to a local veterinarian to be scanned for a microchip (Vets do not charge for this!) 

Contact your neighborhood association 

Place an ad in your local newspaper.

 Check the newspaper lost ads everyday

*In some cities it is not legal to post or hang signs on trees, Department of Water and/or Power poles. In Los Angeles county, CA you can be fined - please check with your city government. 

Search the Dog Detective database
Register the dog with Dog Detective (it's free) 

Tried all these things and still haven't found the dog? 

EXPAND Your Search Area - Dogs can travel amazing amount of distance in a short period of time. One dog can travel 25 miles in days. 

At the minimum - start your search within a 3 mile radius of where you last saw your dog, then go to 10, 25, 50... Keep expanding your search area until you find your dog. 32% of lost dogs are found over ten miles from home.

Do not underestimate the "Power of Posters!" Start by posting flyers and posters within a minimum of a 3-mile radius of where your dog was lost. 32% of lost dogs are found over ten miles from home.

Keep expanding your search area until you find your dog. 

Additional sites to post on:

Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Lavender Line of Harvest Moon Farms

Lavender bliss.
Heavenly lavender.

I have had a love affair with lavender since I was a teen. The stories, lore, uses and history spoke to my romantic heart and it's clean scent to my Virgo fastidiousness.

I have used lavender oil in my diffuser during my healing sessions so often that at this point, whenever I smell the scent of lavender I'm instantly raised up into a different state of consciousness.  The scent evokes a higher, peaceful, more balanced state for. Almost instantly. For my clients who have been with me for a long time, it can do that for them too. I have one client who told me that one of her favorite things about her sessions is the smell of my sheets. Here at The Hermitage I grow several varieties of lavender and after harvesting, I put some in my linen closet. The scent lightly permeates everything in there. It's lovely.
Butterfly in our Moon Garden 

I have tried so many essential oil and soap lines, and some are tried and true. In the past, when it comes to lavender oil, I usually buy whatever is most convenient at the time. But I have since learned that there are ethical and environmental consequences in the production of "cheap essential oils." The link has an important read on something most of us are not aware of. And if your a energy or bodyworker or just someone wanting to live a more conscious life, I suggest you look into how the oils you buy are harvested and made.

I recently tried Harvest Moon Farm's lavender oil and ...I am in love.Listen, I have been deeply inhaling the clean scent since I discovered it's beauty back in the 70's, so I have smelled a lot of lavender in all it's forms, believe me.

The smell of this oil had the classic clean scent of lavender but it was ...softer. The sharpness of lavender was blurred a bit, made rounder and fuller. I can't fully describe it. It's kind of intangible really, but it's beautiful. You'll just have to try it and see what I mean.It's like trying to describe energy work or Reiki. It's something you have to experience to understand.